Atte André Jensen wrote:
and one of my experiments is attached.
Well, now it is, sorry...
peace, love & harmony
http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions
sawosc osc1 => BiQuad f => dac;
[.0009, .97, 200, .1957, 0],
[.003, .95, 400, .1957, 0],
[.01, .9, 800, .1957, 0],
[.04, .8, 1600, .1957, 0],
[.1, .7, 3200, .1957, 0],
[.3, .4, 6400, .1957, 0],
[.009, .9693, 200, .57, 825],
[.02, .95 , 400, .57, 825],
[.07, .9, 800, .57, 825],
[.2, .8, 1600, .57, 825],
[.4, .7, 3200, .57, 825],
[.8, .4, 6400, .57, 825],
[.1, .999, 100, .957, 200],
[.1, .999, 100, .957, 400],
[.08, .999, 100, .957, 800],
[.01, .999, 100, .957, 1600],
[.005, .999, 100, .997, 3200],
[.1, .999, 800, .957, 200],
[.1, .999, 800, .957, 400],
[.08, .999, 800, .957, 800],
[.01, .999, 800, .957, 1600],
[.005, .999, 800, .997, 3200]
] @=> float try[][];
for(0=>int i;i