Hey guys, first time posting here; short-time reader :)

I've run into a bit of trouble programming a function to fade a ugen in or out. The code below will work nicely on g.gain however I can't abstract it to affect anything else without controlling the reference object, in this case 'g.'

The input is time 'x' in number of seconds.

function void fadeOut(int x)
    1 => float master;  x * 1000 => int top;
    for( 0 => int i ; i <  top;  i++ )
            if (master > 0) master - (master / (top * .2 ))  => master => g.gain;
            1::ms => now;

Obviously the below would be my desired function, but even delving through ChucK's string class, it doesn't seem that there's a function to return an object reference from a string...

function void fadeIn(int x, string y)
    .01 => float master;  x * 1000 => int top;
    for( 0 => int i ; i <  top;  i++ )
            if (master < 1) master + (master / (top * .2)) => master => y.gain;
            1::ms => now;

Am I crazy for thinking something like this would be useful?

If anyone could offer some insight, even to a possible workaround, I'm all ears!


Duc, sequere, aut de via decede.