A: first you nee to create in supercollider language a synthdef, just a compiled crossplatform description of connections of UGens in the supercollider scsynth. Once this is compiled you can forget about supercollider and the scsynth can load and control that synthdef. V: Thanks for the summary, this looks like a good environment to build on. However, it would still probably take a great deal of work, so if there's an easier route, in terms of bad lazyness, I'd rather take that. This talk abou the various synth environments let me reading up on Pure Data PD, however. I seem to enjoy the philosophy and real time nature of it, it is well documented and there's experimental VST support, too. And I know C for the low level stuf.
The only major gripe I have is the graphical environment. The good things are that it is easy to get started in, it uses standard menus, and I can set up MIDi and audio graphically OK. However, most of the panel widgets it uses and the graphical signal path aren't really keyboard and programmatically screen reader accessible.
Given that PD is described as a data flow language is there a textual, human readable and writable format, in which I could do PD patches without the graphics? Put another way, what did the author use for debugging before the GUI? At least there's some kind of exchange format for Max. So I could probably write perl scripts around that, as a desperate measure. Can I run PD on the command line as well?
I dont really know answer to this questions. I just use PD so I am not sure how it works behind. I know it is possible to code extensions in C but thats all.