On Apr 21, 2008, at 4:18 PM, mike clemow wrote:
I think I actually do mean like a separate program. When I run a UI I made in Processing to control Chuck, Chuck doesn't even have to be running on the same machine, since all the control messages are sent via UPD as OSC messages. This is the same kind of paradigm that the SuperCollider language (client) communicates with their synth server. Technically, you could control scsynth with anything that sent the right OSC messages. I guess what I'm suggesting is a similar Paradigm for setting up responders in Chuck code for UI elements if they are around.
I like this a lot. With a good Cocoa OSC library you could write native apps with ChucK cores. Yeah, not portable, but if I could put together a GUI in Interface Builder and then ChucKify it, I wouldn't really care all that much ... --- Joe M.