10 Nov
10 Nov
7:50 a.m.
fre 2007-11-09 klockan 20:58 -0600 skrev Michael Heuer:
I would like to chuck the output of a SinOsc into the pan parameter of a Pan2 ugen.
Seems like that should be possible but I haven't figured out how to do it yet.
Hm... It seems like we have answered this question a lot. I remember that I also tried similar things when I were new(er). Is it possible that someone could put an example like this in the beginning of the tutorial, like right after the SinOsc s=>dac;while(true){Std.rand2f(200,900)=>s.freq;100::ms=>now;}-example or whatever it is. It's an essential feature in chuck, and it have to be easier to find. Gasten