2008/11/15 dan trueman
the only problem is that YOU know more about all this stuff than some of us do. ;--}. i learned how to write:
buf.samples()::samp => lisa.duration;
from something you wrote...
That one looks nice& tight, doesn't it? The trick there is that the whole "::" thing is simply a multiplication between a float/int and a duration... and since functions like that one will return a int we can use it instead of a int. You can build quite complicated expressions like that. And thanks, I don't really think there is a "problem" because I'm happy to share tricks. We'll need to share anyway because I think we're past the point where any one single person knows everything there is to know about ChucK. I know I went "WHAT?!!!" a few times when I saw some of the things Spencer had handed to Mike, he was doing some sort of assignment within the definition of the parameters to a function and I had to conclude I better not touch that bit :¬). I wouldn't rule out the possibility that all of the regular posters to this list will know something that nobody else has realised yet, which brings us to;
it would perhaps make sense for all the documentation to be wikified, so that everyone could contribute to making it more accurate and complete...
Yes, I think that would be a good idea for collaboration, but I don't think it's a substitute for a good and clear examples directory. It would definitely be a great method for creating a more extensive manual, because of it's linear nature you can wonder whether it would be a good idea to go into more advanced/exotic/specialised subjects in the .pdf but with a wiki you could. Especially good bits could then be copied to the .pdf Yours, Kas.