At least some clarity; I nailed down my crash (after considerable amounts of baffled looks and cursing).

This is refering to the latest version of the Mini as well as the latest, greatest, ASIO enabled, version of pure ChucK, both on XP.

Let's first establish that while expensive if actually used, the following is fine;
SndBuf array[110];


now considder this;
// I picked this 10 at random, for length 5 it'll crash too
Foo x[10];

class Foo
    // at length 10 it'll run but this will crash(!!??)
    SndBuf array[11];

So; we seem to be having a issue with maximal array sizes for arrays of Ugens within classes. I tried but there is no issue with manually going;
class Foo
    SndBuf a;
    SndBuf b;
    SndBuf c;
etc, etc, etc
At least not up to and incuding 12 buffers after which I was bored with defining them.

I'm 99% certain this also solves the "kilo-shred-crashing" issue I reported a while ago.

This isn't likely to affect many people because we *are* talking about exceptionally large amounts of Ugens but it's very hard to work around. One solution is to simply spork functions that define the class instances instead of defining them in a array (this works) but while this allows you to conveniently define CPU clogging amounts of Ugens it doesnt enable you to easily adress them after the functions were sporked so with the current state of ChucK that gives you a whole lot of garbage.I also tried to see wether this was just SndBuf but using Gain instead also crashes so I think it's safe to asume all other Ugens will too.
