Here's two pages that use WebChucK in slightly different ways -- you can look at the source to get an idea, download relevant files, etc:

I think this might be the most recent branch on github. It's at least the one that has been modified most recently.

Sorry for the lack of clear documentation! As with a lot of ChucK things, development is very sporadic.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 2:53 PM M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <> wrote:
This is the first I've heard of WebChuck - is there a link to it?
Google turned up nothing.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:39 AM Jack Atherton <> wrote:
> It doesn't! Never quite figured out architecturally how this might work. The workaround would be to use some JavaScript mechanism for communicating with outside programs, then use global variables to communicate between JS and ChucK.
> ~Jack
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 5:02 AM Mícheál Ó Catháin <> wrote:
>> hi there,
>> Webchuck is such an excellent development - thanks for all the work that has gone into this by Jack (and others I'm sure).  Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way in future, after getting up the learning curve a bit more!
>> I have a question about using OSC with webchuck...
>> I have a .ck script running on my local machine, using OSC to emit messages every X samples of a .wav file played by a SndBuf.
>> These OSC messages are received by a webpage on my local machine.
>> For this receiver I am running the page using node.js, and...
>> *
>> *
>> Locally, this works fine - as I play the .wav file via ChucK on MiniAudicle, the webpage at localhost:3000 displays the OSC messages as I'd expect.
>> However when I try to run this same .ck file using Webchuck, I get the following error message:
>> chucknode.js:189 []:line(38): undefined type 'OscOut'...
>> Does Webchuck feature OSC messages yet?
>> Thanks
>> Micheal
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