Ok, I tried it.
Me too!
It compiled without problems, but the test example doesn't output any sound. There's no error from pd. The chuck~ object seems to load properly (setting vars and printing them works).
Worked well for me... got some noise, and some processed voice recording being routed through a chuck's delay effect.
I also tried with one of my chuck files. No output.
I tried some more complex ones without much success, but I tried a simple one with a single SinOsc and it worked. The strange thing was that it only worked the first time I sent the "add" message for that file. Subsequent times there was no output. I put a string dump at the beginning of my "test.ck": opening: /home/ssteve/.local/lib/pd/extra/chuck.so Chuck Main: chuck~.c (266) Finished DSP initialization: chuck~.c (273) [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (test.ck)... "here test" : (string) [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (test.ck)... [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 2 (test.ck)... [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 3 (test.ck)... [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 4 (test.ck)... pd_gui: pd process exited So you see, after the first time, the chuck file never actually runs, although it is loaded.
Another thing that might interest you is that pd crashes when closing the window.
This also happened to me. Ubuntu Feisty here. I am trying to get a stack trace but for some reason Pd is not running very well under gdb. (never tried it before..)
I'm on linux (Slackware with a custom kernel). Pd has been built recently from CVS.
I'm also using a CVS version. This has great potential! Although in some ways I prefer to run chuck in a separate process and use OSC for communication, there are definitely advantages to this approach -> currently, it's easier to control chuck variables than defining OSC events for everything in chuck (i find this a little cumbersome in chuck), and also you can get the audio back into Pd and do further processing, which is a pretty awesome. ! Steve