Hi I'm just a simple guy, and I haven't got a clue what's up with the filters available in chuck. Poles and zeros and stuff... I'd appreciate if someone could: 1) Give an example of how to set up (something that in my simple brain is called) a low pass filter with/without resonance and a highpass filter with/without resonace. 2) Could direct me towards mind-expanding online information that might allow me to actually understand a fraction of what's going on? And while we're at it: I see no examples using either sawosc or sqrosc. I know how to use those though (just need some filters), but, still at the risk of seeming extremely conservative, wouldn't a classic, analog synth style patch (saw > low pass filter > envelope) or two be a nice and possible addition? Maybe someone even has such a simple example (involving filtering) that I could take a look at or we could throw on the wiki? -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions