Fellow ChucKists,

Yesterday I posted this to the forum and I thought people here might be amused as well. I suppose it's "code art" but working from the idea that some art can be ugly. It might also be a bit like a toddler who discovers he *can* stuff beads up his nose and doesn't stop to pause whether he *should* do so...

I'm sorry,

UGen top;

fun UGen foo(int n)
    if (n <= 0)
        return dac;

        ([new SinOsc, new TriOsc, new SawOsc, new SqrOsc])[ Std.rand2(0, 3)] @=> UGen bar;
        1.0 / n => (bar $ Phasor).phase;
        (n%3) + 1 => (bar $ PulseOsc).sync;
        (75 * (n-1)) + 1 => bar.gain;
        (5 * n) => (bar $ Shakers).freq;
        if (n == 1) bar @=> top;
        bar => foo(n - 1);
        return bar;

Step stp => Envelope e;
true => stp.next;
6::second => dur loop => e.duration;

while (1)
    top =< dac;
    !(e.value() $ int ) * 10000 => e.target;
    e => foo(([1, 4, 7, 10, 13])[Std.rand2(0,4)]);
    loop => now;