2010/9/28 Kassen
For very low frequencies one could also use a shred that sets a random target() to Envelope and feed Envelope a Step set to "1". Unlike subnoise this will beĀ independentĀ of the srate and the time can be set in musically meaningful terms like beats, assuming some are defined in the piece already.
That'd also be a lot less smooth, right? You'd get a mountain range instead of a safety scissor edge. And SubNoise is sample rate independent if you take the sample rate into account when you set its rate. :D This is the 1 Hz weirdness I noticed, by the way. The lines are noise generated at 5 Hz, 1.1 Hz, and 1 Hz. You can see the unnaturally long plateaus that get way out of hand at 1 Hz. http://skitch.com/alltom/d25q8/subnoise But the 5 Hz shape looks pretty nice. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://favmusic.net/