Our October meetup was success with 40 or so people in attendance and presentations on ChucK, Python VST libs, and Jitter. Come check out the next one and meet other computer music technologists. This one will be at CNMAT and will have some great presentations on: Kyma live performance, Csound & Blue, using Wacom tablets with max/msp (see full description below). Cheers, Noah ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 8th - Bay Area Computer Music Meetup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When: Thursday, November 8, 2007, 7:30 PM Where: CNMAT (UC Berkeley) 1750 Arch Street Berkeley , CA 94709 RSVP: http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/ Our second Bay Area Computer Music Technology meetup will be on November 8th, 7:30pm @ CNMAT - UC Berkeley (thank you to Michael Zbyszinynski and David Wessel). Come meet each other and participate in planned and impromptu presentations ("lightning talks"). Bring your laptop if you would like to make a short impromptu presentation (projection screen and sound system available) or tell the group about new projects and opportunities. Planned Presentations: * Brian Belet will be giving a demonstration of the Kyma sound design workstation as a performance environment for live interactive computer music. Belet will perform one of his compositions, and then discuss the algorithms used. * Steven Yi will be presenting on "Blue". Blue is a music composition environment for Csound, written in Java and available on Windows, Linux, and OSX. Using SoundObjects on a timeline, GUI instruments, a mixer, and many other features, blue builds on top of Csound's powerful audio system to allow flexible, intuitive, and expressive work with musical ideas. * Michael Zbyszynski will be presenting his Max/MSP libraries and on live performance with Wacom tablets. * David Wessel may be demonstrating his new controllers (tentative) Looking forward to seeing all of you, and please feel free to contact me - noah [at] listenlabs.com. Proposals for future events are welcome. Full bios for presenters are posted here: http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/calendar/6632332/