26 Aug
26 Aug
2:28 p.m.
Hi, I've got a chuck file called rand.ck that defines functions, and another that machine.add's rand.ck, but can't find the functions rand.ck " fun float rand_norm() { // Marsaglia polar method, wastes the second ind var float s, x, y; 0 => s; while (s == 0 || s >= 1) { Std.randf() => x; Std.randf() => y; x*x + y*y => s; } return x * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(s) / s); } " test.ck "Machine.add("/Users/George/Documents/chucko/util/rand.ck"); for (0 => int i; i<10; i++) { rand_norm() => float x; <<< x >>>; } " I add test.ck to the miniAudicle VM and the following error error: line(3): undefined variable 'rand_norm'... Am noob. plz help. kthx. - George