On 28 Jun 2009, at 01:02, Kassen wrote:
Finally got it to work
I deleted the chuck file out of /usr/bin
Unpacked the chuck installer package, copied it to my applications.
Odd, it seems that /usr/bin/ plays a bit of a different role on OSX than it does in Linux.
There is no functional difference. In fact, I have mine in /usr/local/ bin/: $ which chuck /usr/local/bin/chuck This is the recommended place for user installed components; /usr/bin/ is reserved for UNIX system components. The drawback is that one has to set PATH (say in .profile for Terminal and .bashrc for X11 xterm or in the environment.plist file). See <http://www.rubicode.com/Software/RCEnvironment/
This program is useful too, to set file name extensions and more: http://www.rubicode.com/Software/RCDefaultApp/
I started to suspect that already a few days ago when a friend let me poke around on her MacBook and I noticed dirs like that were completely invisible from the graphical shell.
The Finder, wich is just another UNIX program, hides it away. I have added /usr/ to my file list. Go to the Finder menu Go -> Go to Folder and type /usr/. Alternatively, go to Terminal and type 'open /usr/'. Applications are directory bundles which contain an ordinary UNIX program. If you want to have more than one Calculator in the Finder GUI, try repeat in Terminal: /Applications/Calculator.app/Contents/MacOS/Calculator & When a UNIX program of an Application is started from the Finder, it gets a startup argumenr. Perhaps it is used to identify it it when sending AppleEvents, or something. One can see this values by 'ps -x' in Terminal. Hans