Hi, I'm using chuck version: (chimera) mac os x 10.7.4 : intel : 64-bit. In preparing a demo of all STK instrument sounds for class each of the instruments instruments played OK at their default settings except these three: Brass, Mandolin, and FM. Here's the code I used ============================== //Twinkle Twinkle // STK instruments /* BandedWG BlowBotl BlowHole Bowed
Brass - very distorted Clarinet Flute Mandolin - segmentation fault ModalBar Moog Saxofony Shakers Sitar StifKarp VoicForm FM - segmentation fault BeeThree FMVoices HevyMetl PercFlut Rhodey TubeBell Wurley */
Wurley inst => dac; // Melody, Number Of Beats [ [67.0, 1.0], [67.0, 1.0], [74.0, 1.0], [74.0, 1.0], [76.0, 1.0], [76.0, 1.0], [74.0, 2.0], [72.0, 1.5], [72.0, 0.5], [71.0, 1.5], [71.0, 0.5], [69.0, 1.5], [69.0, 0.5], [67.0, 2.0] ] @=> float tune[][]; 0 => int transpose; 120 => int tempo; // Play phrase 1 for( 0 => int i; i < tune.cap(); i++) { Std.mtof( tune[i][0] + transpose ) => inst.freq; inst.noteOn(1.0); 60000::ms * tune[i][1] / tempo => now; inst.noteOff(0); } John John Ellinger email: info@mibac.com MiBAC Music Software 1019 College St. Music Instruction By A Computer Northfield MN 55057 http://www.mibac.com