ons 2007-08-29 klockan 18:40 +0200 skrev Kassen:
On 8/29/07, Martin Ahnelöv
wrote: You should be able to $ chuck + foo bar - 1 2 3 = 4 foobar. Nuff said.
Could you perhaps still say a little more? I don't understand this at all, I fear.
I mean that I would like to add teo new shreds, remove 3, and replace one with another file in the same go, to get the "emotial effect" that I I'm seeking. It could be used to change from verse to refrain in a popsong, for example.
On the same topic, you should be able to $ chuck -3, because it's a pain in the ass to forgett the space =)
Hmmmmmm. Not so sure, because "-3" is also a number.
Sure, but chuck have never accepted any numbers of any kind at the command-line.
Also, $ chuck foobar.ck shouldn't break a VM.
You are quite right, any time that can happen that's a serious bug.
Now, more language wise:
a .cycledur on (at least) the oscillators. Sometimes you just want to tell the machine how long time a lfo's cycle should be, instead of having to do hard calculating =)
We have this already :-). What we need is better documentation on it. It's called ".period()" for the oscilators and the type is duration.
It was new in and got mentioned in the "wat's new?" file but the manual hasn't caught up yet. I like this one, it's a very logical extention to ChucK's emphasis on time and timing.
Vool! That's also something I would like to see: documentation on all features in the language!
And a dur => blackhole; would be neat, too. Ie, you forward the shred dur samples in time. That's isn't too processor-intense to calculate, right?
Could you give a example of what this would do? How would this be different from "dur => now;"?
dur => blackhole would be exactly like SinOsc => blackhole, but with time. When you, for example, chuck second into blackhole, the shred will forward 1 second in it's own timeline (A bit like the -s otion, if I recall). Example: It could be used for plotting numbers over time. If you had two envelopes that ascending from 10 and 15 up to 88 and 100, you could add their value()s to their respective array of floats, round() the floats to ints. Then, in a for loop, you have the computer play a random midi-note between min[i] and max[i]. Congratulations! You got a solo-playing computer! (Sure, I realise that you could do this very task in other ways...)
Yours, Kas.