Greetings, I would like to announce the first official beta release of Chuck Racks: http://mtiid.calarts.edu/projects/software/chuck-racks/ ChucK Racks makes it possible to write and execute ChucK programs as VST/AudioUnit plugins. The ChucK Racks architecture supports the following features: - Process incoming audio in ChucK (i.e. Audio FX plugins) - Process MIDI events from the host in ChucK programs (MIDI FX plugins) - Write synthesis plugins in ChucK that run as regular synthesizer audio plugins in a host/DAW - Synchronize clock and beat-time between a host/session and ChucK - Generate new MIDI/OSC events from ChucK (e.g. writing MIDI/OSC sequencer plugins) - Automate variables in ChucK code using host automation lanes Chuck Racks was developed by Jordan Hochenbaum, Rodrigo Sena, and myself here at CalArts. Enjoy and please feel free to let us know of any feedback! Regards, Spencer -- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts ssalazar@calarts.edu | +1 831.277.4654 https://spencersalazar.com