Man, long time i didn't get that excited with programming stuff ( this year i'll make 15 years of programming ) - like programming shit instead of sleeping, the day my boss/coworkers start to find my late posts in the chuck list i'll be probably fired! HAHA

Hopefully i'll be able to do some push requests to the project in this year ( i have some unfinished projects in the priority + dayjob ).

Completely changing the direction of the conversation, i know some instituions sometimes give sponsor$hip for a period of development in open source software, did anybody from chuck team tried that ?

happy chucking

On 23 May 2012 00:14, Kassen <> wrote:
> > Is there anyway for "evaluating" a string to chuck code in order to do
> > dynamic calls ( like javascript "eval" function for instance ) ?
> You might be able to hack this by writing to a temp file and Machine.add'ing it.

Indeed. These are valid things to desire, Lisp and its decendants are
alive, fun and well still (or finally, one might argue)... but I feel
compelled to point out that this is the direction where old maps would
write "here be dragons" and modern games would have you encounter 3
health items and a save-point.

Carry on ;-)
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