Hi all, Over the years I have done this for SKINI (Synthesis ToolKit Network Interface), which is a form of slightly extended textified MIDI. A couple of simple examples can be found at: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/workshops/dsp2008/prc/Week1Labs/ChucKModal/ Running the GUIModal script evokes the Tcl/TK wish interpreter, giving you a GUI with sliders and buttons. It pipes the output of that, which is SKINI, into the stdin of chuck running Modal.ck. The StdIn Class is called Skot (deprecated, should be called ConsoleInput), and the substring parser is called PRC (now called StringTokenizer). skinihak.c can read SKINI files with time stamps and dole them out (flushing it's stdout) to be piped into a SKINI-reading chuck program. So skinihak spain.ski | chuck Modal.ck will play that scorefile. In the directory I pointed you to, skinihak is Linux, skinihakMac is PowerPC, you can build what you like 'cause the source is there. For IntelMac SnowLeopard, without Rosetta, you can build one that works using something like: gcc -m32 -o skinihakMacIntel skinihak.c Enjoy!!! PRC