Sure, but Machine.add ought to take some time to access the file system and
compile too. Anyway, I second the approach using Events, I made the script
suggestion since it feels like an easier approach.
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Szilveszter Tóth wrote: Starting a new chuck process would add a random delay, I don't think that
is acceptable in a musical context. 2014-04-22 7:57 GMT+02:00 Stefan Blixt You could try starting each script on its own in a shell script or - if you're on windows - a .bat script: chuck file1.ck
chuck file2.ck
... On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Gonzalo Hi, I'm trying to run multiple .ck files sequentially. Specifically I have a
'master' file that loads all the 'child' files via Machine.add. But then of
course they run concurrently. For now I'm just advancing time in the master
file before every Machine.add statement (ugly...). Is there a way to
accomplish this nicely? Thanks!
Gonzalo PS: This is my first message to this list. I'm working on a project with
Chuck that raises *a lot* of questions, so I'll probably be coming back
here often. :)
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