Hey fellow ChucKists, In the last eChucK update I made a joking reference to ChucK and eChucK going out on a date together because I was interfacing the first working eChucK prototype to ChucK. Dropping the silly personification here, I am happy to report that the experiment was a success. I added code to an existing Boolean Sequencer program so that it sent control signals to the eChucK board via the left and right channels of the headphones out jack. With a little bit of added circuitry, the eChucK board properly responded to the ChucK output signals. The result was nice enough that I injected vocals into the eChucK board and controlled the buttons and sliders to create guitar and percussion sounds with interesting musical qualities. I then did a couple of one-hour internet radio shows (called "Inventor's Inventions) on the electro-music station. These two shows are available for listening in the electro-music radio archives which reside in the "Streaming Radio Station" sub-forum of www.electro-music.com (nearby where the ChucK forum is). The very latest news is that the board house (E-TekNet) has manufactured the first run of eChucK Karplus Strong circuit boards and UPS is scheduled to deliver them to my door tomorrow. Nine of the ten boards are spoken for and I expect to sell the last remaining one sometime soon. Some of the boards are sold bare, and some are to be assembled by myself for the customers at a reasonable cost. The bare boards sold for $21 + shipping ($5 US, $10 International) each. Also in the works is the companion circuit board, a Boolean Sequencing board which creates complex musical sequences from a simple logic matrix of 6x8 DIP switches. The designs are such that the BS board attaches to the top of the KS board with standoffs, forming a battery-powered eChucK "brick" suitable for use by a performing artist or studio artist. In addition to the stand-alone brick-style operation, both boards are designed to be used in a modular synthesizer either separately or in conjunction. Overall, the response from the community has been quite positive. One modular synthesizer customer said that it would require three to five modules to do the job of a single KS board, so if you want to do guitar or percussion sounds via Karplus Strong on a modular synthesizer the value is significant. Some people have voiced interest in eventually (as the design evolves) purchasing four or more KS boards or BS+KS board pairs so that they can create songs with multiple voices (ie: 2 guitars and 2 drum types). Another person would like to create guitar chords by using a few KS boards, one for each string of a chord. So anyway, that's the update. Progress continues and it's a really fun thing for me to be doing, so I'll keep at it. Your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome as always. Les