Dear list,
Shreds are objects (of type Shred) and functions aren't objects. This is all good and well but it gets harder when we spork a function and the function becomes a Shred and hence a Object. Consider this;
fun void tester()
"boom" => string beep;
second => now;
spork ~ tester() @=> Shred foo;
5::second => now;
"clik" => foo.beep; //this doesn't work
day=> now;
It's not so clear to me *why* the offending line doesn't work. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something or making a syntax error but I think that what we are seeing here is a loss of namespace that would be useful and I don't understand why this happens.
I also tried stuff along these lines;
class Bar extends Shred
//stuff including variables and a constructor
If I do that I can instantiate a "Bar" but all it does is run it's constructor; I can't manage to spork a Bar or assign a sporked shred to a Bar. I can also make a array of Bar's but all that gets me is the constructor running;
class Bar extends Shred
static int number;
//print a series of numbers, no shreds in sight
Bar array[5];
So, now I'm quite happy I said so many times that there are no "stupid n00b questions" because now it's my turn to ask exactly what a "Shred" is because I'm starting to feel like I have no idea. :¬)
Could somebody please explain to me exactly what's going on here?