Atte, You have some good points, we'll see what Ge thinks but when you write this;
If it input a DC of say 1 (could be hacked with a slooow sqr)...
From the top of my head "step" has two important members called ".value" and ".next" which sorta kinda do the same thing except that I meant to tell Ge that he should have a look at ".value" because I
I think you should realy look up the "step" ugen. Step is like the mirror image of "My_ugen.last()" and very usefull if you are batteling with the sort of thing you are currently running into. think that one has called in sick a while ago and hasn't yet returned to work. I think it's in the documentation but the VM goes all "what are you talking about?" on me with that one. Anyway, "step" is good. For audio rate multiplications using multiple instances of step combined with gains set to multiply will outperform doing it manually by a factor of 3 or so in my experience (at the expense of hard to read code). I would be in favour of explaining how step and .last link the controll stuff to the "patching" style stuff in a seperate manual section because for me understanding that was a big moment in seeing how ChucK related to Serge modulars (Serge only has banana plugs, Buchla uses seperate plugs for controll and audio). Kas.