On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:37:39PM +0200, Philipp Kroos wrote:
2013/4/22 Kassen
: On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 09:40:23PM +0200, Philipp Kroos wrote:
Hi! I'm new to this list (and again to ChucK), so hello first ;)
Welcome on board, Phillip!
Thank you!
I think my explanation wasn't that clear. In short, I'm looking for the midi-equivalent of the '--out/in' switches to a 'chuck --loop', if that makes sense.
A bit, yes. Do I understand correctly that the core of your issue is that you would like to set the MIDI routing from outside of ChucK instead of from inside the code itself? Personally I so far think that the current behaviour is desirable and that MIDI is more flexible to work with than audio from this perspective. Audio reservations need to be made at the start of the VM because those dictate at what speed the UGens will be running and how long a "samp" is. For that reason we can't open and close ADC's and DAC's as we please. I think you were also saying that the behaviour here changed with a recent version, though I can't remember that being a documented change. I now wonder what is up there; maybe we accidentally have some sort of issue. What you could try is run some code that creates a MIDI port as a static member of a public class when you start your VM and have shreds interact with that instead of opening their own ports. That way the port should be and stay open as long as the VM lives. I never tried that myself but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Hope that clarifies things a bit and gets you a bit further. Yours, Kas.