On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Michael Heuer
No, you have to determine the dependencies and dependency order by hand. This is my number one feature request, to have a proper namespace and import mechanism.
Any idea if this is getting worked on? It seems like ChucK development is a little slow judging from the dev mailing list traffic. Only public classes are shared. You can add static fields & methods
to public classes.
Where's the deference for how to define static fields? Can you have static methods too? That might be good enough.
- Is there a way to pass functions as arguments to another function or return a function? Also, are fun's proper closures or am I just getting lucky? I was thinking maybe I could use functional style programming to build things like arpeggiations. If this is totally overkill let me know :)
No. As you may have seen, LiCK uses functors to approximate function arguments/closures. Feature request #2. :)
Yeah, is there an example somewhere on how to use those? The `Object @ default` makes no sense to me :) Welcome!
Thank you! And thanks for your answers! Mat