Hi Eduard and all, Sorry for the mailing spam silence. We have been away at ICMC and I am going back under the radar for a few more days (will return to Princeton early next week). Eduard, it's very good meeting you in Barcelona!
Terminal A: 1. ./chuck --loop
Terminal B: 1. ./chuck --loop --silent --port4000
Terminal C: 1. ./chuck + kick.ck // 120 bpm kick, one kick every half a sec 2. ./chuck --port4000 + test.ck
The --silent flag actually means "no real-time audio. compute samples as fast as possible", and is a way to do "offline" synthesis (generating to file). That is why time can move much "faster" under this mode.
Here's my second question. I want the word foo to be printed synchronously with the kick and be run on different terminals. For that I thought I could issue the following command:
./chuck + kick.ck && ./chuck --port4000 + test.ck
but they are slightly out of tempo. How could I achieve to get them synchronised or with less latency?
At the moment, there is no easy way to synchronize two separate ChucK virtual machines. It is possible to use dracula features to pass OSC messages to/from the virtual machines, which may be one low-latency approach to do what you want. (see examples/event/opensound_demo_*) Best, Ge!