On 8/31/07, Martin Ahnelöv
ons 2007-08-29 klockan 23:11 +0200 skrev Kassen:
dur => blackhole would be exactly like SinOsc => blackhole, but with time. When you, for example, chuck second into blackhole, the shred will forward 1 second in it's own timeline (A bit like the -s otion, if I recall).
I'm still not sure exactly how this would be different. What would happen to playing Ugens that would be in the shred? Would those keep computing?
The thing is... Hm, if we have something like this:
SinOsc 1 => dac;
while (true) { 100::ms => now; 3::samp => blackhole; }
The shred would jump 3 samples forward every 100 ms. If you change the duration to 10::ms, you might get some glitching going on every 100::ms.
Ok, I get it now, you'd like to jump into the future... That should be possible but I think it will often lead to a big strain on the cpu. For simple oscilators or a envelope it could be quite easy but if the shred involves -say- three oscilators in a fm feedback loop there would be no way around calculating all the samples inbetween to know what value the final one is at after the time we skip.. It's a interesting idea but I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the dangers and problems. At least you could record your sounds like that, for example recording them to a LiSa and turning record off at a certain point, advancing time, then resuming recording at the spot where you left off. Kas.