... You could also use a .isA() member function to implement hack-y generic container classes purely in ChucK code, which would be really cool to have.
Perhaps the solution here is adding a Object.typeName static method/static variable, which returns a string, allowing code like s.isA(SinOsc.typeName) to work. That doesn't win any awards for terseness, but it seems like a good way to type-check this at compile-time without adding a new keyword.
I like this idea. What about a compromise: s.isA( SinOsc.type ) I think that reads better. Also, while I'm more in favor of a static member--for typing's sake--it seems to be the Chuckian way to differentiate between .gain and .gain(), the latter being the accessor methods that returns the value. Hence, s.isA( SinOsc.type() ) seems to be more in keeping with the rest of Chuck, stylistically speaking. I'll poke around for another static method on which to model this one. Cheers, Mike