Hi. Does chuck support input from virtual MIDI devices on Mac OS X 10.8.2?

It seems that every time I try to open a MidiIn to a virtual device using the gomidi example, I get the following error:

[gomidi.ck]: MidiIn: couldn't open MIDI port 0...

`chuck --probe` reveals the following:

[chuck]: ------( chuck -- 1 MIDI inputs )------
[chuck]:     [0] : " mah midi source"
[chuck]: ------( chuck -- 0 MIDI outputs )-----

When I route my virtual device into Ableton, my virtual device works as expected.

I tried swapping my virtual device with another one from the open source project VMPK (http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/). Chuck would open neither my virtual device nor VMPK.

This could be a bug in chuck, but I'm not sure. Anyone have any ideas?
