Hey Kassen and other Chuckists!

I think it is interesting to note we used an alternative approach considering the sync between Renato and me. The sound was generated by Renato using ChucK/Vim/Jack and by me using ChucK/Emacs/Jack without sync. The audio from both of us was passed to a Pd patch running on a third computer operated by Gilson Beck, another composer, part of the trio (FooBarBaz). Gilson spatialized and mixed the audio generated by us with a visual interface: the movements of his hands were tracked by a "color tracker" implemented by Ricardo Fabbri on Pd/GEM and the x/y coordinates defined the panning effects. On this way we could mix both audio in certain times, creating a dialogue between my sound, Renato's sound and Gilson's.

Unfortunatelly I lost my laptop and all the codes within after the presentation, but I used a screen similar to Renato's recorded screencasts, using ChucK as a live sampler, similar to Thor's ixilang approach. A snippet of the code was saved here: https://gist.github.com/1379142

I think Gilson can send you more details about his Pd patch and some videos about the human body interface tracked by colors.

All the best.

2011/12/2 Renato Fabbri <renato.fabbri@gmail.com>
Em 1 de dezembro de 2011 16:30, Kassen <signal.automatique@gmail.com> escreveu:
> I like how you make a glorious mess instead of the stark minimalism of
> the other livecoding I've seen. I'm not sure how this would scale, but
> the difference is exciting.

Thanks! I like that also. The idea is to use the desktop to play and make it
more appealing. That bouncing white ball is 'processing'. The cow is 'cowsay'.

Some years ago i did what i now call LDP (Linux Desktop Playing) with jack-rack,
ardour, audacity, PD, chuck, python and even audacious. That was a
really big mess,
specially with ABT:

Maybe what we are doing is live coding with heritances from LDP.

Anyway, these are the 5 small videos at Vimeo, so anyone can take a look:

- live coding presentation, part 1 a
basic principles of the live coding presentation we did on 20/11/2011
for about 3,5 thousand people on Festival CONTATO, São Carlos, Brazil.

- live coding presentation part1 b: REM and cows
about Rapid Eyes Movement (REM) and use of cows in the live coding
presentation we did on 20/11/2011 for about 3,5 thousand people on
Festival CONTATO, São Carlos, Brazil.

- live coding presentation part2 improvisation
improvisation part of the live coding presentation we did on
20/11/2011  for about 3,5 thousand people on Festival CONTATO, São
Carlos, Brazil.

- presentation part3 soundscapes
The part where we used soundscapes in the live coding presentation we
did on 20/11/2011 for about 3,5 thousand people on Festival CONTATO,
São  Carlos, Brazil.

- presentation part4 improvisation2 ending
endind of the live coding presentation we did on 20/11/2011 for about
3,5 thousand people on Festival CONTATO, São Carlos, Brazil.


GNU/Linux User #479299

Vilson Vieira


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