On 5 August 2012 17:04, Sample Hampton
Thanks. Being new to Chuck I wanted to make sure that there wasn't a more standard way of doing this.
Sorry for the late response, Currently this is indeed the standard way, a more efficient way for often useful structures is coming in the form of DIY plugins in C++ if that's your cup. I'd say that what you impressively came up with on your own is not only the standard way, but really quite nice. Especially when considering that we can use Step to go from code to UGens and .last() to go from UGens to code, I'd plead that this is a very nice and versatile structure; we can write DSP in the same way that we'd use to write a melody. Of course that is because the two are the same kind of thing (a series of values with a given timing), but elsewhere in "accessible" systems that similarity isn't as clearly exposed, I'd say. For me this was a bit of a break-though; I knew this to be true, but it was quite another thing to actually see it in a practical manner :¬). Yours, Kas.