The script in examples/io/read-line.ck will do this. Just make sure to
create and open the named pipe before launching the script. I do
something like this (where shell1 and shell2 are different shells):
shell1$ mkfifo example.txt
shell1$ cat > example.txt
shell2$ chuck read-line.ck
Now just type lines in shell1 and they'll show up in shell2. Once you
type control-C in shell1 you'll kill the writing process and
read-line.ck will stop running.
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Kassen
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 06:01:14PM -0400, Andrew Turley wrote:
You could use OSC to communicate with the shred. You could also try using a named pipe, writing from Python and reading from Chuck.
Hey Andrew!
I'm interested in this named pipe concept. How would you read from the pipe? Would you use something like Std.system(...) or do you have a method less likely to block? Not sure I ever saw this done.
Yours, Kas.