On Jun 6, 2011, at 1:27 AM, tempjayren@gmail.com wrote:
what's the status on this vaw thing? i've seen what some of these muds can do as virtual worlds, well more than muds, is this what is being planned? except audio and not text?
On 5/28/2011 8:47 PM, Les Hall wrote:
I have decided to create a ChucK-based distributed virtual audio world.
Hi Jayren, The status is that the experiment was only a partial success. I had one guest, which was nice for personal friendship reasons, and one appearance on an electro-music radio show, but that was it. What makes the virtual audio world (VAW) possible is not really ChucK, though chuckchat was a key component, but rather soundflower which performs audio routing on the Mac. Also there is Jack for Linux and Mac, and various custom solutions for the PC. If you or anyone else would like to participate in the VAW, please let me know and I will gladly set it up again. We can stream into and out of the VAW, chuckchat in it, do netlooping, and also Skype into it (but not out of it except for the mic only). It's basically a tangled web of audio applications that form a beautiful disaster of voice and music, which is really quite entertaining. Oh and yes, it's sort of like a MUD with audio instead of text. So stop by the chatroom or send me an email and I'll krank up the VAW again. Hear you later bro! Les