From: Ge Wang <gewang@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Date: 13 July 2006 17:36:16 BDT
To: ChucK Users Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [chuck-users] Object array initialization
Reply-To: ChucK Users Mailing List <>
Hi Ollie!
Which platform are you running? Also, can you include the
greater program, or more of the context? I can't seem to
reproduce the crash on OS X using the following code:
public class X
int hi;
fun void boo()
{ <<< hi >>>; }
class Y
X xs[];
init( 4 );
fun void init( int num )
X x[num] @=> xs;
for( int i; i < num; i++ )
i => xs[i].hi;
// make y
Y y;
for( int i; i < y.xs.cap(); i++ )
It may be a chuck bug elsewhere...