hihihi, couple things. you can do this kind of thing with LiSa using the "track" method. i should have called this "sync" and will have it accessible that way in the future, but when you set 1 => lisa.track, the input chucked to LiSa sets the playback position. see: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/special/LiSa-track1.ck http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/special/LiSa-track2.ck http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/special/LiSa-track3.ck there is more LiSa documentation coming soon, i promise! and in the next release the "valueAt" method will allow you to algorithmically set the values in LiSa super easily. now, regarding the gen7 problem; this appears to be a recurrence of the bug we've encountered before with arrays; for some reason dynamically generated arrays don't chuck properly to the GenX ugens and i think the problem has to do with how arrays are chucked to methods in general. i've asked Ge about this and he's looking into it. i'm also assuming there was a reason you were trying to use Gen7 that way and didn't just want to use Gen9 or Gen10 to make a sine wave table.... ok, i hope this helps, dt On Oct 20, 2007, at 6:57 AM, eduard wrote:
Checking out the code today with a fresher mind, just realised that the second method does work. I forgot to bitmask the last int_pos. So the last line that reads: (snd.valueAt( (int_pos&bitmask) + 1 ) - snd.valueAt(int_pos&bitmask))*(pos-int_pos) + snd.valueAt (int_pos) => imp.next;
Should be: (snd.valueAt( (int_pos&bitmask) + 1 ) - snd.valueAt(int_pos&bitmask))*(pos-int_pos) + snd.valueAt (int_pos&bitmask) => imp.next;
Still think method 1 should be doable... am i missing something?
On Oct 19, 2007, at 4:40 PM, eduard aylon wrote:
Hello list,
Does anyone know if there is any UGen to store waveforms in a table? Thus, wavetable synthesis. I've come up with a few ideas, but none of them seem to work:
1. The first was to use a Gen7 together with a phasor. However, I get no sound. See the following patch which I think should synthesise a sine wave:
512 => int length; 440. => float freq; 1./ length => float step;
float coefs[ 2*length-1]; for( 1 => int i; i < coefs.cap() ; 2 +=> i ) { Math.sin((i-1)*2.*pi/511.) => coefs[i-1]; // value at pos step => coefs[i]; // duration of value, 1 samp } Math.sin( length*2.*pi/length ) => coefs[ length - 1]; // last value Phasor p => Gen7 gen7 => WvOut file => dac; coefs => gen7.coefs; freq => p.freq; while( true ) 1::samp => now;
2. The second idea was to use a sndbuf, but the results are far from satisfactory. see example:
//first you need to generate one period of a sine wave:
SinOsc s => WvOut file => blackhole; "sine_period.wav" => file.wavFilename; 1024 => int length; second/samp => float sr; sr/length => s.freq; now + length::samp => time later; while( now < later ) 1::samp=>now;
----- separate chuck file ----
// wavetable synth part: synthesise a sine wave at any freq
SndBuf snd => blackhole; Impulse imp => dac; "sine_period.wav" => snd.read; snd.samples() => int length; // must be power of 2 length - 1 => int bitmask; second/samp => float sr;
440. => float freq; freq*length/sr => float delta; delta $int => int int_delta; 0 => float pos; 0 => int int_pos; 1 => int interpolate; if( me.args() ) Std.atoi( me.arg(0) ) => interpolate; while( true ) { if( !interpolate ) { int_delta::samp => now; snd.last() => imp.next; snd.pos( snd.pos()&bitmask ); continue; }
delta + pos => pos; pos $int => int_pos; (snd.valueAt( (int_pos&bitmask) + 1 ) - snd.valueAt(int_pos&bitmask))*(pos-int_pos) + snd.valueAt (int_pos) => imp.next; 1::samp => now;
Could someone give me a hand?
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