4 May
4 May
9:16 a.m.
sön 2008-05-04 klockan 10:40 +0200 skrev joerg piringer:
Atte André Jensen schrieb:
joerg piringer wrote:
is it possible that recording from dac is broken with the latest chuck version (or miniaudicle) on winXP?
I'm nut sure what you mean by "recording" but "adc =>" works fine here (on linux).
i wanted to say: recording to wave file from the output (dac not adc) with the rec.ck script for example.
best joerg
You mean, like... SinOsc s => dac => WvOut rec; ? ie, to use dac as a pass-through. I tried that some time ago, and it didn't work. dunno if it's intended to work. Try this instead: SinOsc s => Gain out => dac; out => WvOut rec; heop that helps, gasten