Apparently, the non-random bug does not happen after declaration of all STK instruments, just some of them:
BlowBotl, BlowHole, Clarinet, Flute, Saxofony, StifKarp, VoicForm

And the problem occurs with both Std.rand2 and Std.rand2f
(I haven't conducted any more tests yet to see under what other conditions it might happen.)


Forgive me if this was already discussed on the list before.  I am puzzled about a non-random random number.
When the random number is calculated right after an STK instrument is declared, the result is not random.  It is the same number every time.
However, if the same code occurs without an STK declaration before it, the result is random.

while (true)
StifKarp stu => dac;
int randy;
Std.rand2(0,10) => randy;
<<<"here are three random numbers",
Std.rand2(0,10), Std.rand2(0,10),Std.rand2(0,10),
"and NON-random Randy", randy >>>;

Std.rand2(0,10) => randy;
<<<"here are three more random numbers",
Std.rand2(0,10), Std.rand2(0,10),Std.rand2(0,10),
"and random Randy", randy >>>;
1000::ms => now;


David Loberg Code
School of Music
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5434
code at