Thank you, that's plenty of examples. How about documentation? Or perhaps is ChucK code available somewhere to read through? 

On 4 July 2016 at 23:26, Julius Smith <> wrote:
Also, don't overlook faust2ck:

- Julius

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 1:48 PM, Michael Heuer <> wrote:
> Hello Michał,
> As far as examples, LiCK has a bunch of Chubgraphs here
> and a bunch of Chugens here
> Joel Matthys has a bunch of Chugins here
> Personally, I've never had any trouble with CPU usage with Chubgraphs, and
> I'll often spork some modulation at sample rate too.
>    michael
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Michał Poręba <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was experimenting with creating instruments to use in ChucK. I have
>> created functions which I use with spork~, classes, then discovered Chugens,
>> Chubgraphs and Chugins. At the moment I don't want to go the Chugins root to
>> avoid the need for recompiling. I'd rather focus on Chugens and Chubraphs
>> which appear to be exactly what I need.
>> The problem is I struggle to find more documentation than
>> and that's not a lot. From the examples I know
>> that in a class extending from Chugen two variables are available: second
>> and samp. Is there a way listing other such internal variables? Are there
>> any more functions one can overwrite other than the tick(float in)?
>> Any references or information, or more advanced examples of extending
>> Chubgraphs and Chugens would be very much appreciated.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Michal
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Julius O. Smith III <>
Professor of Music and, by courtesy, Electrical Engineering
CCRMA, Stanford University
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