Hi there - I'm very new to ChucK so please be kind if I sound incredibly stupid, and very angry because I am going nuts here. (Kassen, I'm here - we had a very brief exchange about ChucK with toplappers) I'm writing my scripts using SciTE, and using the command-line VM. I have tried some Chuck with tutorials, manual and helpful tips on forums, usually by someone too good to be true like Kassen.I want to know what people really mean by OTF (on the fly) or by "livecoding" in Chuck. If you prepare your files and code in advance and then just chuck the shreds in and out of the VM, it really is a a bit like sequencing, rather than livecoding. And if I change the code in the file, save it, then the effects don't appear live, do they? I really don't see how i'm changing the code "while its running" here. Maybe i'm missing something freakin obvious, but I'm so frustrated having had to learn Csound, Chuck, SuperCollider and all sorts of new languages just because Python did not provide me with a simple audio processing module. All I wanted to do using Python was analyse the sound of a live flute playing and plot its frequency, and other characteristics, straight off the audio port. Now I'm a newbie at all of the above, and thats really fantastic because it hasn't solved a single problem. It has certainly added a few more. What a royal mess. ------- 1/f ))) ------- http://www.algomantra.com