Hi all, Does anyone know what the story is with the netin/netout opcodes? A search of the list over the last couple of years shows that this question has come up several times without much of an answer. A quick peak at the Chuck source code reveals a commented out line about "net". A Google search shows a file that used to be in the code but apparently isn't now ulib_net.cpp, which has code for the netin/netout opcodes. It looks like it was taken out. Does anyone know why? (Corollary: Does anyone know why it should not be put back in?) Yours truly, David ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. David Ogborn, Assistant Professor Communication Studies & Multimedia Director, Cybernetic Orchestra & ESP Studio McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada ogbornd --at-- mcmaster.ca http://davidogborn.net http://twitter.com/ogbornd http://esp.mcmaster.ca (Cybernetic Orchestra) 1-905-525-9140 ext 27603