This may be of interest to some on the chuck-users mailing list. Apologies in advance for list cross-posting; we're trying to spread the word far and wide (and please pass this along to other individuals or lists you think may be interested). Thanks! brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad -------------- Columbia University Music Department Composition and Theory Assistant Professor Opening The Department of Music at Columbia University announces a full-time non-tenured position in Music Composition and Theory, at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin 1 July 2007. The successful candidate will be expected to carry out creative work, teach music composition and theory at undergraduate and graduate levels, and potentially teach in other areas of intellectual interest. He or she will also be expected to teach in the undergraduate Core Curriculum and participate actively in the development of the Department's programs. We seek candidates who can contribute through their composing, research, teaching, and service to the diversity and excellence of the academic community at Columbia. An appropriate doctorate or the equivalent is required for this position. Significant work as a composer and/or music theorist is the most important qualification. We welcome applicants with a wide range of aesthetic and technical orientations. A candidate's involvement in areas that would expand the scope of compositional and theoretical research at Columbia will be viewed as an advantage. All continuing appointments at Columbia begin with a one-year contract, with renewal anticipated. Columbia University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to: Brad Garton Chair, Composition Theory Search Committee Columbia University Department of Music 621 Dodge Hall, MC1813 2960 Broadway New York NY 10027 USA Review of applications will begin January 15, 2007.