On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Kassen
ChucK could probably use the equivalent of Pd's "realtime" object. I suggest calling it "nowreally"!
realness does seem to depend on the perspective....
I can't really parse the first sentence in this paragraph though. :-)
In my defence; we are dealing with several types of "now" and at least a few types of "time". It's my fault but famous philosophers demonstrated that talking about languages is hard in ways that need not be solvable without inventing another language.
Sure, but this is a common thing to deal with in audio languages. Pd calls it "logical time" and "real time", which I think is the correct terminology. So as for the code I posted in the forum, with a way of determining 'real' now I could have done, // one million sqrts 0 => float answer; for (1=>int i; i<=1000000; i++) { answer+sqrt(i) => answer; if ((realnow - now) > 3::ms) 3::ms => now; } Btw, is this actually what you were asking or am I way off? Steve