On 09/01/2008, pibsid@suomi24.fi
As for casting durations or floats to time one should always ask how the newly made time relates to the one(s) we already have? Most logical would be that: minute $ time => time sometime; refered to "one minute after the VM started". But it could also refer to "one minute after this shred started". I find it more clear syntatically if we had predifined global and local time variables of VMstart and me.start (or me.birth). Then it would be clear from the syntax what is meant.
VMstart + minute => time sometime; //As opposed to: me.start + minute => time anothertime;
This makes a lot of sense to me and sounds quite coherent as a plan. Sytactically we could add "start" to both the Machine and "Shred" functionality ("me" is a reference to a shred as well)
I'm still thinking for the most effective way of changing the tempo on the fly...
Yeah, that's a tricky one, especially if we have mulptiple intervals going at the same time and want to maintain sync. Yours, Kas.