27 Jun
27 Jun
7:39 a.m.
On 27 Jun 2021, at 05:50, Perry R. Cook
wrote: Gave,
Chuck is case sensitive. You declared a lower case foo but then tried to use an upper case Foo.
Hi. Thanks for the advice. I typed the example manually and I missed the uppercase character. But I discovered the problem seems to be somewhere else. I saved an h.ck file with this content: SinOsc.help(); Then from a terminal window I called it Chuck h.ck It worked perfectly. But, when I pasted SinOsc.help(); on MiniAudicle and add the shred, I’ve got: [Untitled]:line(1): class 'SinOsc' has no member 'help' Is that a normal behaviour? Have a good day. Gabe.