27 Feb
27 Feb
12:57 p.m.
You script got scrubbed for some reason, but I suspect that you’re shadowing the global somehow locally (if you use the same name as an argument or a local within a function, it masks the global version). Here’s a simple example of using a global: 1000 => float freqGlob; // global frequency variable SinOsc s => dac; // note that this osc is treated globally as well spork ~ sweep(); while (true) { // main loop randomly (re)sets freq Std.rand2f(500.0,3000.0) => freqGlob => s.freq; Std.rand2f(0.3,1.0)::second => now; } // this shred sweeps the frequency exponentially down fun void sweep() { while (true) { (0.999*=> freqGlob) => s.freq; ms => now; } }