Hi Furlan, This looks like a file-loading problem, and not a OTF problem (though there is one that I mentioned earlier). This mostly happens under linux, using the pre-configured libsndfile. I remember your post about doing this on FC3. If this error happens, that means the pre-configured libsndfile is not compatible and that you should install libsndfile and then recompile with the default makefile (which uses libsndfile in linux): http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ Sorry about this run-around! We hope to fix this soon. Best, Ge! On Sep 3, 2005, at 7:14 PM, Furlan Primus wrote:
Time-stamp: <2005-09-03 19:09:47 flp>
While testing the examples, following the directions in otf_01.ck I opened a second tab / terminal and entered "chuck + otf_02.ck" which returned "operation sucsessful" I switched to the first terminal and got:
[flp@magicbox 0002]$ chuck --loop [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (otf_01.ck)...
*** Fatal error : sizeof (off_t) != sizeof (sf_count_t) *** This means that libsndfile was not configured correctly.
What am I doing wrong? ChucK was compiled sucessfully AFAIK.
ciao, furlan
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