The manual is badly outdated. I am in the process of a major revision. Maybe we can start a page on the wiki of things to revise in the manual for the next release. If anyone wants to help I would greatly appreciate it. --art On 21-Oct-06, at 6:24 AM, Hilquias.Abreu wrote:
wow, really cool. but i can't find method openKeyboard in HidIn. Also, no one reference of openKeyboard() in manual.
thaks for the patience.
Spencer Salazar escreveu:
Yes, it should be possible with HidIn and HidIn.openKeyboard(), but probably not KBHit.
Keyboard input through HidIn tells you when a key is pressed and then when it is released. So you could have a loop that waits for "f1" or "enter" to be pressed. When one of these keys is pressed, it would continue to another loop, which would wait until either the first key was released, or the next key is pressed. You could probably generalize this for arbitrary combinations of two keys if you wanted.
Note that HidIn doesn't return ASCII values, but rather platform- dependent keycodes, so you have to test with examples/hid/kb.ck to find out what f1 and enter are exactly. Also, HidIn won't work with keyboards under Linux until the next ChucK release.
On Oct 19, 2006, at 11:30 AM, Hilquias.Abreu wrote:
ok, but can chuck get combinations like "enter+f1"? the return is ascii of "f1" or "enter". exist a workarround for this?
Tasmo escreveu:
Do you mean, how to get the kea codes? Just start the examples/hid/kb.ck and watch your Console Monitor...
Does it help? T
2006/10/17, Hilquias.Abreu
: how to catch strange combinations of hotkeys, like f1+enter?
thanks, sorry by my babelfish english :-)
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