i was able to compile and run chuck under ubuntu 6.05 running in vmware-player for windowsXP. machine is an athlon 64x2 but i don't think that matters that much for an os running in vmware. i have left the kernel untouched. it was really very easy. no problems at all. and i am no linux guy at all. best joerg mike clemow wrote:
Hi all,
I wanted to hear from people who are using chuck on Linux. I'm having problems compiling chuck on my machine--but these are system issues and not chuck issues, so I'll spare you. I'd like to know who's been successful, what your machine's like, what distribution you're using, whether you had dependency issues, whether your kernels were patched for realtime, preemption, et cetera or whether you're using a vanilla kernel.
I'll get it working eventually, but I'm definitely going to have to change distros in order to do it.
Cheers, Mike
-- http://joerg.piringer.net http://www.transacoustic-research.com http://www.iftaf.org http://www.vegetableorchestra.org/