19 Feb
19 Feb
12:35 a.m.
Hi Graham!
I've discovered that I can only get 47 sine waves on my system (1 ghz G4 powerbook, 512 megs ram, OSX 10.3.9). I'm curious how other systems compare -- particularly on linux. If chuck works much better on linux, I may switch back to it...
Quick followup: On my system (1 ghz G4 powerbook, 512 megs ram, 10.3.9), I got up to 62 sine waves without crackles. You might want to make sure that "processor performance" is "highest" under System Preferences -> Energy Saver | Options. On our linux box (2.8 ghz Intel, mucho RAM, RH9), I got up to 130 without crackles. (apologies again for the awful performance) Best, Ge!